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Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese

I have a slight love affair with butternut squash. It is hands down my favorite squash and one of my favorite vegetables. My old stand by recipe is butternut squash risotto with walnuts and blue cheese, a fantastic combination. Recently though, I've been trying to think outside of my normal cooking box and try using some of my favorite ingredients in new ways.

Macaroni and cheese is another favorite dish of mine as well, but I have to admit I rarely cook it. Most recipes are time intensive and involve dirtying multiple pots. And frankly, my wrist gets tired from whisking that Mornay sauce that makes baked mac and cheese so good. Most of the time, I'd rather get my mac and cheese fix while eating out at a restaurant, especially because this means I don't have first hand knowledge of all the cream, butter and cheese that goes into it.

For the past week though, I've had an intense cheese craving that just hasn't gone away, which isn't good considering I'm making a conscious effort to eat healthy(ish). However, I had a moment of genius on Monday -- Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese. I'd go full out on the cheese, but use 1% milk to make the Mornay sauce (blasphemy, I know) and add roasted butternut squash for a dose of vegetables.  While this is far from the rich, decadent macaroni and cheese that holds a special place in my heart, it's a pretty damn good substitute. And I don't feel as bad when I go back for that extra helping.

Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese

Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese

Serves 8 as a Side Dish

  • Butternut Squash
  • 8 oz. whole wheat pasta (I used a Pipe Rigate)
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 2 cups 1% milk, room temperature
  • 1 cup Gruyere cheese, grated (plus some extra for topping)
  • 1 cup  Emmentaler cheese, grated (plus some extra for topping)
  • 8 sage leaves, thinly sliced
  • 2 handfuls panko bread crumbs
  • 1 teaspoon nutmeg
  • Pepper
Fresh Out of the Oven
1. Preheat oven to 425. Cut the butternut squash in half lengthwise and scoop the seeds. Place the squash flesh side down on a greased baking sheet, rub olive oil on top of skin, and roast for 40 minutes. Remove from oven. Cool slightly and scrape flesh away from skin.

2. While the squash is cooking, bring a pot of water to boil. Cook the pasta for 5 minutes. Drain the pasta and then combine it with the butternut squash in a greased casserole dish.

3. Melt the butter in a sauce pan. Stir in the flour to make a roux. Slowly whisk in the milk and add the sage, nutmeg and pepper to taste. Bring to a simmer, being careful not to let the liquid boil and stirring frequently as to prevent scalding at the bottom. Begin to whisk at a fast pace and add in the cheese a few tablespoons at a time, making sure all the cheese has melted before adding anymore.

4. Once all the cheese has melted, pour the sauce over the pasta. Top with remaining cheese and bread crumbs. Cook for 30 minutes in a 350 degree oven or until the sides begin to bubble. For a browner crust, leave the dish in the oven for an additional 5 minutes under the broiler. Cool slightly before eating.


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