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Boyfriend Visits & Braised Oxtails

My boyfriend has always been a more than willing guinea pig when it comes to trying out new recipes I've concocted or stumbled upon. However, we are currently separated by some 250 odd miles of the barren landscape that is I-45 while he finishes up college. This means that my go-to taste tester is usually only available to me a couple of times a month. And I take full advantage of those visits. I'm not going to lie, I usually go a little crazy. I start to plan what I'm going to cook for him well in advance of his arrival. We have elaborate happy hours that usually involve more cheese and charcuterie than is healthy for two people to eat in a sitting. Sometimes we don't even make it to the main course. This past visit however was not one of those times.

I have several kitchen-based New Year's resolutions, one of them being to familiarize myself with ingredients that, for one reason or another, I've never cooked with or have been purposefully avoiding.  In the week before my boyfriend's visit I happened to notice that Central Market (maybe the best grocery store ever!) had packages of oxtails available. Perfect! A cut of meat that I happen to love but had never cooked with, mainly because I thought prepping oxtails would be very labor intensive. I was semi-right, but mainly because I shredded them.

After scouring numerous sources, I compiled a recipe for Oxtail Ragu loosely based on a recipe from one of my new cookbooks. The Ragu turned out fantastic and is definitely a recipe I'll be putting in my make again pile. Perhaps next time with homemade gnocchi, another item on my Kitchen Resolution To-Do List.

Braised Oxtails 

I served the oxtails over gnocchi, but it
would also be good with polenta or pasta.

Braised Oxtails over Gnocchi

Makes 4 - 6 Servings

  • 2.5 lbs. Oxtail (look for larger pieces as these usually have more meat)
  • 1/4 lb. Pancetta, diced
  • 1 medium White Onion, diced
  • 2 cloves Garlic, minced
  • 1 cup Carrot, diced
  • 1 cup Celery, diced
  • 1/3 cup Tomato Paste
  • 2 cups Red Wine (I used a Pinot Noir)
  • 2 cups Beef Broth
  • Thyme Sprigs (I used four)
  • Olive Oil
  • Flour
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Chili Flakes
  • Good quality Parmigiano Reggiano cheese

1. Heat olive oil in pan over medium high heat. Working in batches, dust the oxtails in flour seasoned with salt & pepper. Brown the oxtails for about 10 minutes. Remove from pan and place on plate that can accumulate any juices which may seep out.

2. Add onion and chili flakes into the pan. After sauteing the onions for about 5 minutes, add the pancetta to the pan and continue to cook for another 4 minutes. Then add garlic and saute for another 30 seconds.

3. Add the tomato paste to the pan and stir until mixed. Pour the red wine into pan to deglaze and then add beef broth. Bring to a simmer.

4. Place oxtails and accumulated juices in a dutch oven large enough to arrange in a single layer. Scatter the diced carrots and celery over the oxtails. Then pour the wine mixture over the oxtails. If mixture doesn't cover oxtails, add more liquid. Put thyme sprigs on top and cover.

5. Cook over low heat for 2.5 hours or until you can pierce the oxtail easily with a fork.

6. Remove the oxtails from the pan and let the sauce reduce by half, skimming off fat as the sauce cooks down. Once the oxtails have cooled, pull the meat off the bone and shred. Add the shredded meat back to the pot to reheat and serve immediately or refrigerate over night.

Right before serving, I also grated just a little Parmigiano Reggiano cheese on top. I love the subtle salty, nutty taste the cheese adds.


Eric Jones said...

This looks and sounds great. I'll be trying it. Thanks!

Caroline said...

Hope you enjoy it! Thanks for reading and being my first commenter!

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